Week 3 FINAL Results - WGC Mexico Championship
Round Country Club Filter
1 12 11 GReatness Johnson, D $3,490,000 McIlroy $2,190,000 Thomas, J $402,000 $6,082,000
2 1 1 Fore Horsemen Casey $0 Johnson, D $3,490,000 McIlroy $2,190,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-882,000 $5,742,000
3 3 14 The Commish Casey $0 Garcia $523,334 McIlroy $2,190,000 Kuchar $0 Johnson, D $1,745,000 $801,000 $4,458,334
4 8 6 Fore Ball Cabrera-Bello $0 Finau $186,500 Johnson, D $3,490,000 Poulter $472,000 $264,500 $4,148,500
5 9 7 Team Mancini Cabrera-Bello $207,500 Leishman $0 McIlroy $2,190,000 Johnson, D $1,745,000 $1,644,000 $4,142,500
6 7 20 Tricksters Fleetwood $207,500 Johnson, D $3,490,000 Rahm $0 Garcia $261,667 $131,667 $3,959,167
7 10 17 Tea With Miss McGill Johnson, D $3,490,000 Schauffele $0 Thomas, J $402,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-194,000 $3,954,000
8 13 21 Chubb's Hand Johnson, D $3,490,000 Koepka, B $170,000 Rahm $130,000 $3,790,000
9 11 12 GoLowBro Finau $0 Johnson, D $3,490,000 Molinari, F $231,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-124,500 $3,783,000
10 2 13 Driver Off The Deck Johnson, D $3,490,000 Rahm $130,000 Woodland $0 Kuchar $62,000 $-169,000 $3,682,000
11 15 4 Khill Cantlay $523,334 Leishman $0 McIlroy $2,190,000 Smith, Cam $261,667 $160,667 $2,975,001
12 14 10 Troy Merritt Fanclub Finau $186,500 McIlroy $2,190,000 Thomas, J $402,000 $2,778,500
13 5 3 Team DiLillo Leishman $0 Rahm $130,000 Thomas, J $402,000 Johnson, D $1,745,000 $1,644,000 $2,277,000
14 4 18 TAOS Cabrera-Bello $207,500 DeChambeau $0 Finau $186,500 Kuchar $0 Johnson, D $1,745,000 $1,634,000 $2,139,000
15 17 22 Grip It & Sip It Fowler $150,000 Koepka, B $0 Woodland $231,000 Johnson, D $1,745,000 $1,575,000 $2,126,000
16 23 15 The Price Is Wrong Fleetwood $207,500 Garcia $523,334 Thomas, J $402,000 $1,132,834
17 6 8 Indoor Events Casey $944,000 Grillo $107,000 Leishman $0 Kuchar $62,000 $-39,000 $1,113,000
18 24 5 Shooting For Triple Fleetwood $207,500 Garcia $523,334 Woodland $231,000 $961,834
19 18 16 ParTee! Cabrera-Bello $207,500 DeChambeau $0 Thomas, J $402,000 Garcia $261,667 $150,667 $871,167
20 16 24 Snipers Leishman $101,000 Rahm $130,000 Thomas, J $402,000 $633,000
21 21 2 Irish 70 DeChambeau $111,000 Leishman $0 Thomas, J $402,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-39,000 $575,000
22 19 19 The Solomon Slice Rahm $0 Schauffele $256,000 Woodland $231,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-68,000 $549,000
23 22 9 Arnies Army Cabrera-Bello $0 Fleetwood $207,500 Schauffele* $256,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-145,500 $525,500
24 20 23 Baba Booey Finau $186,500 Noren $0 Rahm $130,000 Kuchar $62,000 $-39,000 $378,500
25 25 25 Fusions & Feels VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0